Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Happy Easter from the Abbott Family! We had a wonderful time dying eggs, and Sam did great finding all the easter eggs we hid for him. We hope everyone's Easter was as special as ours.

Sam enjoying the weather and a cherry slurpee. We love this time of year.

You'd think with this method of egg dying we would have had the poo pooest of all poo poo pastel eggs but...

This is it! Try as we did, this is the poopiest we could get our poo poo pastel. We are very disappointed in our efforts, so the poo poo pastel crown goes to the Smith Family of Collegville, PA. Congrats!!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Snugglin with Wolf-E.

Sam sitting in one of his many toy bins.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Getting my measurments

Who needs all those expensive toys when you have measuring tape.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Fun with the neighbor girl